I have to apologize for not posting lately. With students coming next Tuesday we've practically lived in our classrooms for the last week. Getting everything arranged and decorated the way we want has been time consuming. We are very excited to see all the fantastic technology and supplies the school has. We both have smart boards, smart slates, a smart document camera, and clickers - woot! woot! - and sat in some presentations showing great ways to use them in the classroom. Teaching is going to feel like play time with all these nifty gadgets.
We also have our schedules for the year and are preparing lesson plans.
Mrs. Crain Mr. Crain
1. Ancient History 6-8 Biology 9-12
2. Reading 6-8 Pre-Algebra & Algebra I
3. Language Arts 6-8 Geometry & Algebra II
4. Alaska History/Government 9-12 Vocational Skills 9-12
5. Alaska History/Government 9-12 Vocational Skills 9-12
6. Speech/Journalism 9-12 Math 6-8
7.Speech/Journalism 9-12 Science 6-8
All teachers have a prep period from 8:00 to 9:00 and the students come at 9:00 and go home at 3:30. The school is also introducing the students to service projects this year so we are excited to be a part of encouraging the kids to help improve their community.
Whew!!!! That makes me tired just looking at it. Of course, it's the end of the day for me and I'm tired anyway.